Meet the Team
Team Leaders
Innovator and Project leader
Managing director High Branching Pty (Ltd). 30 years conservation/wildlife publishing, focussing on indigenous tree education.
Scientific advisor and tree distribution mapping
Botanist and conservation research, university lecturer (25 years): rangeland and conservation ecologist (11 years) and Research Centre Director for Zoological Society of London in Saudi Arabia (7 years), and Society of London in Saudi Arabia (5 years). Honorary Conservation Fellow, The Zoological Society of London.
Senior Botanical Editor, mapping and design
Botanist: urban landscape ecologist, postdoctoral fellow (5 years), extra-ordinary university lecturer (5 years and ongoing).
Coordinator of IT development
Systems engineer and Project Manager.
PLEASURE SKOSANA National Diploma in IT (VUT)
Certified Microsoft Developer
Systems designer and developer.
Financial advisor and Director
Chairman High Branching; Banker, venture capitalist; passionate about conservation and wildlife.
Main Team
PENNY MORAITES Lifelong Artist
Drew virtually all pencil, pen and ink, botanical illustrations
Illustrated many text books, children’s books and produced technical drawings for geological publications.
Senior editor and data researcher
Teacher; PA and Senior editor in conservation publishing with High Branching for 15 years.
Resource research, art and photo coordinator
Instructional Designer and Quality Controller for Computer Aided Educational Software at Learning Technologies, Pretoria; co-authored 6 biology textbooks for S A Education Department, through Vivlia Publishers, Johannesburg.
Senior designer and editor; tester coordinator
Chief Amazement Officer at Wide-Eyed Ears. Expert in red and read. Wide-Eyed Ears, based in Port Elizabeth, specialises in striking language and design for display both online and in realspace.
Android App developer
Engineer. Loves his wife, his kids, nature, innovation, and efficiency.
JOAN VAN GOGH Lifelong Fine Artist
Painted virtually all the full colour botanical illustrations
Illustrated many botanical text books and conservation publications; commissioned to do 4 sets RSA stamps 80s to 90s; landscapes; portraits; general wildlife.
Admin and Support Personnel
Sandy Barnes, Cobus Bodenstein, Pat Coombe, Angela Gaylard, Ingrid Glashoff, Kirsten Kirby, Jimmy Moraites.
Prof Kevin Balkwill, Helga Du Toit, Keith Lister, Dr Guy Preston, Dr Vivienne Williams, Dr Michelle van der Bank, Prof Tony Rebelo, Lyndon Subroyen.
Gerrit van Niekerk, Muzign, Tangent Solutions, Zekhethu Projects.
Harrie Bickle, Violet Chabalala, Dimitri Chassoulas, Dr Elandrie Davoren, Malcolm Douglas, Dr Jean du Toit, Marié H. du Toit, Stephan Goets, Dr Dave Gwynne-Evans, Ed Hazel, Dr Lerato Hoveka, Sarah-Leigh Hutchinson, Robetta Kandawire, Portia Kgaboesele, Muffy Koch, Reuben Lambati, Angela Lund, Lloyd Mabaso, Thembeka Malwane, Mpho Mashigo, Greg Matumi, Mmatsui Mohlokoana, Hazel Nontamo, Delia Oosthuizen, Lukas Otto, Jenny Prangley, Nqobile Sithole, Sikhululekile Solwandle, Lynne Stone, Dr Madeleen Struwig, Brett Thomas, Tshepiso Tsime, Vera van der Merwe, Kelly Vlieghe, Jean Whiley, Jennifer Wilkinson, Nick Zaloumis.
Alex Doyle, Rina du Plessis, Charl du Toit, Connar Louw.
Cathy Pinnock, Kenny Pinnock, Anina Kruger, Roxane Lapa, Joel Mothokwa, Neil Kirby, Silvertone International.
Klara-Marié den Heijer, Barbara Jeppe, Elsa Pooley, Murray Ralf, Lindy-Ann Steyn, Theresa Wilds.
Dianne Bayley, Alice Evans, Anne Gibson, Lulu Gomes, Hammer Design, Rochelle Janse van Rensburg, Skye Mallac, Reinette Oelofsen-Muller, Ester Strydom, Sheryl Thiel, Dr Nanette van Staden, Bridget von Holdt, Cathy Wallis.
Richard Boone, Meg Emmet, Dave Johnson, Dr Annalie Melin, Dr Rodney Moffett, Eugene Moll, Kate Montgomery, Angela Moore, Zoe Poulsen, Dr Robyn Powell, Kate Steyn, Delia Oosthuzien, Dr Ben Wigley.
Francois De Villers, Aiden Dinsdale, Richard Smith, Christine van Hees.
Dawid Roux (V4 Creative).
Nolan Armstrong, Corli Coetzee, Jannie Coetzee, Kevin Conway, Jackie Deacon, Shelley Dinsdale, Francois De Villiers, Neil Fishwick, Fraser Gear, Dr John Gear, Joan Gear, Dr Rina Grant, Andrew Hankey, Stuart Hill, Michele Hofmeyer, Hawee Koelman, Henk Koelman, Di Kyle, Scotty Kyle, David Lawrence, Mervyn Lotter, Duncan Mckenzie, Duncan Mitchell, Kathy Molenaar, Geoff Nichols, Delia Oosthuizen, Claire Patmore, Dr John Payne, Tish Payne, Ian Pinnock, Ankia Pusey, Robyn Reid, Leanne Santana, Greg Schmidt, Richard Smith, Mark Stewart, Barry Street, Bob Thornly, Wendy Thornly, Pieter van Wyk, Dr Ben Wigley, Frank Webb.
The conservation initiative and launch of the TheTreeApp was endorsed and supported by

The objective of the Aage V. Jensen Charity Foundation is nature conservation and wildlife protection.
The Foundation operates worldwide via ownership of nature reserves as well as support of research and nature projects. The Foundation is committed to preserving, protecting and developing nature in all its diversity. The aim is to communicate the importance of protecting endangered wildlife and natural habitats, and to give the general public the opportunity to experience a rich and diverse nature – now and forever.
Since 1999 the Foundation has owned and developed a 38,000 ha nature reserve in South Africa, Maremani Nature Reserve, with the purpose of restoring nature and wildlife to its original and pristine state.
Photographers and photograph providers
Jaco Adendorff (JDA), Marianne Alexander (MA), andBeyond Phinda Private Game Reserve, Mark Anderson, Tania Anderson, Jaco Badenhorst, Bev Barker (BB), Gunter Baumann, Richard Boon, Almero Bosch, Rob Burrett, Bushmanskloof, Neil Crouch, Andries de Vries, And Deacon, Stefaan Dondeyne, Malcolm Douglas, Marié J. du Toit (MJDT), Gelnice Ededes, Mervyn Gans (MG), Mel Gibson, Rina Grant (RG), Andrew Hankey, Nick Hilterman (NH), HPH Publishers, Jacana Media, K. K., Pieter Kieviet (PK), Johan Kotze (JK), Francois Kriel (Kriel), Matthew Lister (ML), Linda Loffler, Isak Lombard (IL), Nelia Lombard (NL), Maremani, Oliver Maurin, Duncan McKenzie (DMCK), Bayleigh Miles (BM/BYM), Eugene Moll (EM), Geoff Nichols (GN), Onbedacht Cottage, Delia Oosthuizen (DO), Ingey Palmer (IP), Claire Patmore (CP), Les Penfold (LP), Palmer Pitman (PP), Elsa Pooley, Robert Pringle, Ankia Pusey (AP), Karl Reinecke (KR), Rob and Fiona Richardson (R&FR), Glenn Robbins, Di Robinson (DMR/DR), Robbie (Ernest) Robinson (ERR), Ernst Schmidt, Shamwari, Gerhard & Miemie Snyman, David Spencer, Sun Nurseries, Warwick Tarboton, Brett Thomas (BT), Ian Thomas, Moira Thomas (MT), Peter Thomas (PRST/PT), Val Thomas (VAT), Gillian van As (GvA), Heinrich van den Berg (HPH), Herman van den Berg (HvdB), Manie van der Schijff (MvdS), Joan van Gogh, Roland van Leeuwen, Gigi van Zyl (GvZ), Andor Venter, Rob Weiss, Ben Wigley (BW), Corli Wigley, Francois Wolfhaardt (FW).
Photographs used for Research and Art Resources
By the following photographers
Tony Abbott, Richard Adcock, Jaco Adendorff, Agbina, Dave Albrecht, D R Allan, Brooker Kleinig Alligator, Alsirhan, Amada44,, Wynn Anderson, Heather Angel, Arbor day Foundation, Robert Archer, W P Armstrong, P Asman, Alice Aubrey, Johan Baard, Balcaen/Bisphoto, Petra Ballings, R Barker, W R Barker, the Bates, E Barth, Steve Baskauf, Gunter Baumann, Nigel Bean, Irene Beardsley, J Beaumont, M Belov, Phil Bendle, P Bester, Bidgee, Sebastian Bieber, Ralf Biechele, Bob Bierman, Mike Bingham, Patricia Bingham, Biopix, Olga Blokhman, Rosina Bloom, Bruce H Bohm, Gerhard Bok, Todd Boland, M A Bonner Richard Boone, Jonathan Boow, C H Bosch, Botanickateplice,, R Botha, Kenneth L. Bowles, Julie Braby, K. Braun, Patrick Breen, N E Brown, Prix Burgoyne, Vito Buono-Bari, Burncoose Nurseries, Rob Burrett, John Burrows, Pavel Buršík, Mike Bush, Cactus Mania, Franco Caldararo, Calibas, Graham Calow, Carla-Louise, Don A.W. Carlson, Jane Carlson, G D Carr, Peter Chadwick, Arthur Chapman, Michael L Charters, Katy Chayka, Yushan Chen, Koos Claassens, Meg Coates Palgrave, J A Cochrane, Rhona Collett, G Condy, Consultaplantas, Will Cook, Robert S Copland, Paolo Cottini, CPJ, N J Cordeiro, Mark Crocker, N Crouch, CSIRO, Dick Culbert, Russel Cumming, Avinoam Danin, Daves Garden, Evan Davies, Daylily SLF, A Deacon, Joe Decruyenaere, L De Beer, Jan de Laet, Deigo Delso, Nigel J Dennis, Shirley Denton, FR de Viilers, J.M. de Vries, Desert Dew, Black Diamond, Gerhard Diedericks ispot, Bei Dippach, J Di Tomaso, Linda Dobson-Loffler, J. Dodd, Mike Dodd, T Dold, Stephan Dondeyne, Errol Douwes, N Dreber, Hagen Dreher, Alex Dreyer, Brian Du Preez, F Durban, Peter M Dziuk, C.J. Earle, Penny East, I. Ebrahim, Ecoport,, Arbusto Edoarado, P. Ekpe, EleNZ, Paul Emms, A Engler, Douglas Euston-Brown, Callum Evans, Susans Exotics, M Fagg, Dr Aljos Farjon, Forest Farm, Farm 215 Nature reserve and fynbos retreat, Carl Farmer, David Fenwick, Fernkloof, W Fertig, Gary Fewless, Figweb, J.N.Fitch, Flagstaffotos, Fleurs Fruit Feuilles, Flora-toskana, Flore analytique du Bénin, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Florida friendly plants, H Ford, John Forlonge, Nigel Forshaw, Ansie Fourie, Francois, M Franks, Ian Fraser, Tony Frates, G Friederich, Fynbosphil, James Gaither, Manley G, R Galt, Chris Gardiner, Paco Garin, J M Garg, Gawie, A S George, Jorn Germer, Shahina Ghazanfar, Bob Gibbons, Mel Gilson, Ginger, Franco F Giordana, Hugh Glen, J F Gmel, Gnu free, Santiago Gonzalez, Nora Goosen, Marco Grandis, C Grant, Toyo Greenland Co, B. Grey, Graham Grieve, Adriaan Grobler, Q Grobler, Jeffrey Groenewald, Growerjim, Growin, Ricky Grubb, T Gurke, D. Gwynne-Evans, GZXMQ, Rachid H, Wouter Hagens, Mauro Halpern, Andrew Hankey, Jim Harding, Liz Hardman, Harris, Adam Harrower, T Harris, Martin Harvey, Bill Hatcher, Bobby Hathaway, Hawkarica, W D Hawthorne, W J Hayden, Annie Hayes, Muriel Hazan, Hedging, Nick Helme, Jan Hendrick, M D Hepplewhite, Hermanus Botanical Society, Joseph Heymans, Pete Hillman, Donald Hobern, Marland Holderness, L Holiday, Sune Holt, H C Hopkins, S D Hopper, Alan Horstmann, Colin Hughes, Steve Hurst, Mark Hyde, Icwow, Bushboy ispot, Dewidine, ispot, Fieldnotes ispot, Igmar ispot, Jane ispot, Jeanette Le Cornu ispot, Jeltje ispot, Jenny ispot, Kraaifm ispot, Lee-Anne ispot, Linkie ispot, Lizzie ispot, Magda ispot, ppebs ispot, sallyslak ispot, Simdewet ispot, stobie ispot, Tuli ispot, timvn ispot, vynbos ispot, H Robertson Iziko, Trevor James, JMK, Jan Thomas Johansson, C M Johnson, Lee Jones, M Jooste, Marie Jordaan, Greg Jordan, Joti, N Juergens, JSTOR Pictures, Joseph Kai Yan Wong, Štěpánka Kalousová, H Kaplan, Karduelis, Brian KD2, Keef, Mary Keim, Sidney Kelley, Davis Kenfack, H Kennedy, K Kenpei, Michael Kesl, Leonie Kevin, Marina Khaytarova, Judd Kirkel, JM Klappers, Russ Kleinman, Rupert Koopman, Milan Korine, Henriette Kress, M Kriek, Francois Kriel, M Kruger, T J Kruger, Anele Kumalo, Kumbula Nursery, Yuriy Kvach, Martin LaBar, John Laing, Tim Laman, Paul Latham, Ivan Latti, Matt Lavin, Leafvein, Tarciso Leao, J Lenoble, Cythna Letty, Jennifer Lin, Peter Llewellyn, Carina Lochner, Linda Loffler, C S London, Antonia Vieira Lopes, Mervyn Lotter, Cecelia Maart, Ern Mainka, C. Mannheimer, Marion Maclean, Fran Mari, Andrew Massyn, Yonotan Matalon, Chris Mattison, Sonya Mavica, Mavourneen, O Maurin, Warren McCleland, Kelly McDonald, D R Mckenzi, W R McLeland, Sam McNally, Presley Meck, P Meier, Mauricio Mercadanteps, K Metodiev, J J Meyer, Brian Meyers, Der Michels, David Midgley, Pieter Mier, Stephen Mifsud, A Mills, C Minges, Reiichi Miura, MJV, Mo, Mahlatse Mogale, Eugene Moll, Benny Moller Jensen, S Molteno, John Mood, William Morelli, Theunis Morgenthal, Andrea Moro, Andrea Morrow, Marle Munro, Namibsands, Ingrid Nanni, Ocimum Nate, Sheldon Navie, H J Ndangalasi, David Nicholls, Geoff Nichols, Janeen Nichols,, Greg Nicolson, Satish Nikam, Nicky, Kevin C. Nixon, M North, Alice Notten, Louise Nurrish, Steve O, Robert O’Brien, Colin Ogle, Marian Oliver, Ossewa, Alfred Osterloh, Outramps, Outrampsjenny, Outrampssandra, Parochetus, Colin Patterson Jones, Andrea Pavanello, Suvarna_PB, Pedreguer, Pieter Pelser, David Perez, Frank Pierce, Peripitus, H Pickering, Jeffrey Pippen, Bertha Pitout, DCH Ploughs, Elsa Pooley, Stefan Porembski, R Potecot, Tayla Potgieter, Graziano Propetto, S L Pruden, M Purves, Jose Quiles, J Raath, Colin Ralston, Jean-Yves Rasplus, Tony Rebelo, L Reeve, Ed Reschke, Retiredaussies, Mike Rex, Peter Richardson, Rob & Fiona Richardson, Jon Richfield, Ruth Ripley, Hugh Robertson, Di Robinson, ER Robinson, Tony Rodd, Wolf Roland, Jeremy Rolfe, Ton Rolkens, Daleen Roodt, S. Rügheimer, Ton Rulkens, Nauman Sadiq, Pedro Sainz, Nano Sanchez, Stephanie Sanchez, Sandveld, R Saunders, Scamperdale, Siegfried Schafer, Schafhof-Schauenstein, Stan Shebs, R R Schippers, G H Schmelzer, Marco Schmidt, B Schneider, Dr. Clinton C. Shock, Thomas Schoepke, Ihlukwe School, JC Schou, A.L. Schutte-Vlok, Marguerite Scott, John Seiler, Jan Sevcik, Abu Shawka, Stan Shebs, John & Marion Simmons, Alfred Sin, Dr Balkar Singh, Slichter, Peter Slingsby, P J Smit, Smith College, J Smith-Dodsworth, Hannelie Snyman, Lorraine Soloman, Bonaventure Sonké, Forest & Kim Starr, Mark Stebbins, Tariq Stévart, L. & A Stridvall, Charles Stirton, Malcolm Storey, Charl Strydom, Kurt Stueber, Sue in AZ, Sunkissed, Felicity Swanepoel, Shaun Swanepoel, Jonathan Swart, Peter Swart, Iskak Syamsudin, Krystyna Szulecka, Nadia Talent, John Tan, Ria Tan, T Tapper, Janet Taylor, Ricky Taylor, Robert Taylor, Terra, Joshua Tewksbury, Thailandhoyaclub, K R Thiele, Thinkoholic, Dr. Stephen L. Timme, TomH3787, Pete Thomas, Val Thomas, Santiago Gonzalez Torregrosa, Tramil, Bill Turner, Uforest, University of Johannesburg, Wynand Uys ispot, Nicky v B, ispot, Tim v B ispot, Yvette van Wijk ispot, Dinesh Valke, Jon Valley, Antonie van den Bos, Ron Vanderhoff, Manie van der Schijff, Karen van der Walt, Ryan van Huyssteen, Ernst van Jaarsveld, SvN (Roots!), Timvn, Simon van Noort, van Rensk, L. & A Cornelia van Rooyen, Yvette van Wijk, A E van Wyk, Braam van Wyk, E van Wyk, Piet van Wyk, Riaan van Wyk, Paul Venter, Pavel Vesel, Luc Viatour, Vinayaraj, Virginia Tech, J.H. Vlok, Robert von Blittersdorff, Lize von Staden, M Vorontsova, M A Vorwerkps, P Vos, Christine Wakfer, Chris Wahalberg,, Brian Walters, Matt Walters, Betty Wargo, Peter Warren, M Watson, Klaus Wehrlin, Philipp Weigell, Ed Weislo, Wardene Weisser, Rainer Wendt, Konzept Werkstatt, Mark Werschlein, P Weston, D Wesuls, Whitehouse, wiki616, R T Wills, John Wilson, Robert Wiltshire, Wimm + Vic, R Wise, Windmill outback nursery, Winfried Wisniewski, J M Wood, Paul Wray, Bart Wursten, Graham Wyatt, Kazuo Yamasa, Ron Yeo, Joan Young, Xenomorf, Zandvlakte, H. Zell
No photographs were used as whole tree images for any species in TheTreeApp SA, without specific permission. These are acknowledged elsewhere. This list above partially covers photographers whose work was used by artists as a resource to check plant details, in order to paint and draw accurately.
If any photographer looks at the artworks included in TheTreeApp SA and feels their work has been used as a reference source and they have not been acknowledged, please contact us.
Photographs from the following websites (and others)
- http://www.westafricanplants
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